Johnson's Premium Annual Sale begins today!

Hello, again!

There is something special about our summer blooming annuals. These plants, for the most part, bloom from before you pick them up at the garden center until early November when we typically get our first killing freeze of the season. From our grandmother’s rose moss that reseeds itself every year in the wash tub to the newest offerings from plant scientists, our options are endless. That includes flowering and foliage plants that are happy in sun or shady locations.

Let’s look at a few new annual plant varieties to consider for your garden this year.

SunPatiens are a combination of wild “traditional” impatiens and the larger, heat-loving impatiens native to New Guinea. The result is a variety of impatiens that thrives in full sun and hot, humid weather, and blooms straight through from spring to autumn. It’s an excellent container and bedding flower for long lasting color. Many have vivid, colorful variegated foliage as well.

Petunias come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, and are the best way to fill your garden with splashes of mesmerizing colors. Many petunias that gardeners are growing these days are a hybrid variety with distinct features of heat tolerance, mounding, and low growing characteristics. My favorite varieties are what I refer to as the ‘Sky’ series with their moon and star color patterns.

Lantana love a sunny spot! It’s a tough, heat and sun loving annual that blooms all summer long in the toughest locations. It’s even frost hardy! If you are wanting red, orange or yellow color, look no further.

Sweet Potato Vine is one of the most versatile plants around. You can grow sweet potato vine in sun or shade and in container gardens, landscapes, or garden beds and borders. The plant is loved for its colorful chartreuse, purple, bronze, copper, or black foliage. And because its beauty comes from the foliage, you can enjoy sweet potato vine all season long without worrying about whether it's going to go in and out of bloom.

All of our annuals perform best in well drained soil or containers and when fed regularly. We feed every time we water in the greenhouse with a weak solution of water soluble plant food. ferti-lome Blooming and Rooting is specially formulated for not only blooming plants but the vegetable garden as well. If you are looking for a once-a-month fertilizer, ferti-lome Premium Bedding Plant Food is excellent.

Our Premium Annual Sale begins today, so our selection of these special plants is truly spectacular right now. Stop by and see us soon!

Your friend in the garden,

Marty Johnson
Owner - Johnson's Garden Center